قراءة ترجميّة في فواتح السور: الحروف المقطّعة أنموذجا

A Translation Reading of the Surahs Openings: The Abbreviated (Muqattaat) Letters as a Model


  • Ms. Kacem Karima Laboratory for Translation didactic and Multilingualism, Institute of Translation, University of Oran Ahmed Ben Bella, Algeria


Translation, the openers of surahs, abbreviated letters , meaning, miraculous


There is no doubt that the dialectic of the meanings of the abbreviated letters (which some surahs of the holy Quran begin with) have caused a heated debate among the scholars and the interpreters of the holy Quran, and thus resulted a divergence in transferring meanings into foreign language, causing also a controversy of points of views and a multiplicity of statements about what is meant.

Since translation is the only way to carry out the essence of the holy text and its legitimate and religious content for the non- speakers of the Quran’s language.

This research was carried out to point out the different trends in translation, which a minority of translator specialized in this field have followed, through which we attempted to illustrate ones of the most significant translations in which we’ve spotted controversy and multiplicity, depending here on our choices on the diversity of the abbreviated letters and the variety of the cultural backgrounds and religious orientation of translators.




How to Cite

Kacem, K. (2024). قراءة ترجميّة في فواتح السور: الحروف المقطّعة أنموذجا: A Translation Reading of the Surahs Openings: The Abbreviated (Muqattaat) Letters as a Model. Journal of Translation & Multilingualism, 1(02). Retrieved from https://ctsmpk.org/index.php/jtm/article/view/16